9 research outputs found

    The Relationship of Physhical Activity, Sleep Duration, Breakfast and Fast Food Consumption Habits with The Prevalence of Overweight Among Elementary School Children

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    This study aims to determine the relation between physical activity, sleep duration, breakfast habits and fast food consumption habits at school-age chidren. This is a quantitative study using cross sectional design. The study was conducted in SDS Kartika VIII-5 Jakarta, as many as 102 fourth and fifth grade students were involved. The sampling technique used for this study was stratified sampling technique. The data collection instrument used questionnaire and interview. The data obtained were then analyzed by Chi-Square statistical test. The results showed that 63,7% of children were overweight. Bivariate result using Chi-Square statistical test showed that a significant relationship between physical activity (p = 0,003), sleep duration (p = 0,046), fast food habits (p = 0,035). There was a significant relation between physical activity, sleep duration, and fast food consumption habits with the prevalence of overweight


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    Pemenuhan gizi selama kehamilan sangat penting, karena apabila seorang ibu hamil mengalami kurangnya asupan gizi maka hal tersebut bisa mempengaruhi pertumbuhan janin yang ada dalam kandungannya, salah satunya adalah bayi lahir dengan berat badan rendah, baik itu kelahiran preterm (prematur) atau cukup bulan namun beratnya tidak sesuai dengan masa kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa besar angka kejadian BBLR dengan dipengaruhi kurang gizi pada Ibu selama kehamilannya di RSUD Abdul Wahab Syahranie Samarinda tahun 2017. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian analitik karena menganalisis dinamika korelasi antara variabel bebas dan variabel terikat. Model pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah pendekatan cross sectional dimana subjek penelitian dikumpulkan dengan cara pendekatan atau pengumpulan data sekaligus pada waktu yang bersamaan atau pada suatu saat.Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, peneliti menemukan hubungan antara gizi kurang pada ibu selama kehamilan dengan kejadian BBLR di RSUD AWS Samarinda di bulan Januari 2017, dengan presentasi cukup besar, yaitu dari 40 bayi yang lahir dengan berat badan <2500 gram, ada 26 bayi yang dilahirkan oleh ibu yang mengalami gizi kurang selama kehamilan

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran IPA Fisika Berorientasi Keterampilan Berkomunikasi Menggunakan Model Pembelajaran Diskusi Kelas Di SMP Negeri 13 Banjarmasin

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    Perangkat pembelajaran IPA fisika yang digunakan di sekolah selama ini dianggap belum memfasilitasi siswa untuk terampil dalam berkomunikasi. Oleh karena itu, dilakukan pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran berorientasi keterampilan berkomunikasi dengan model pembelajaran diskusi kelas yang memiliki tujuan khusus: (1) Mendeskripsikan validitas perangkat pembelajaran, (2) Mendeskripsikan kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran ditinjau dari keterlaksanaan RPP, (3) Mendeskripsikan efektivitas perangkat pembelajaran ditinjau dari hasil belajar kognitif siswa, dan (4) mendeskripsikan pencapaian keterampilan berkomunikasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian pengembangan menggunakan model pengembangan ADDIE. Perangkat yang dikembangkan berupa RPP, LKS, THB dan Materi ajar. Teknik analisis data berupa validasi perangkat pembelajaran, pengamatan keterlaksanaan RPP, tes hasil belajar, dan pengamatan keterampilan berkomunikasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) Perangkat pembelajaran dinyatakan valid dengan katagori sangat baik (2) Kepraktisan perangkat pembelajaran terlaksana sangat baik (3) Efektivitas perangkat pembelajaran termasuk pada kategori sedang, dan (4) pencapaian keterampilan berkomunikasi dalam kategori baik. Disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran IPA fisika berorientasi keterampilan berkomunikasi dengan model pembelajaran diskusi kelas yang dikembangkan layak digunakan dalam pembelajaran

    Asuhan Kebidanan Berkesinambungan pada Ny. Y Umur 24 Tahun Sekundigravida dengan Anemia Ringan di Puskesmas Pakualaman Yogyakarta

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    Setiap ibu hamil berisiko, salah satunya adalah risiko mengalami anemia. Prevalensi anemia pada ibu hamil di Indonesia cukup tinggi, sebesar 40,1% pada tahun 2014. Ibu hamil dengan anemia termasuk dalam kehamilan risiko tinggi, sehingga memerlukan asuhan berkesinambungan yang berfokus pada aspek pencegahan, promosi kesehatan mulai dari kehamilan, persalinan, bayi baru lahir, nifas hingga KB. Penulis tertarik mengambil kasus pada pertemuan ketiga ANC Ny.Y umur 24 tahun sekundigravida umur kehamilan 36+5 minggu dengan anemia ringan. Ibu merasakan lelah dan letih, kadar Hb ibu 10,1 gr%. Potensial masalah yang mungkin terjadi pada ibu antara lain gangguan his, persalinan dengan tindakan, retensio plasenta, dan perdarahan postpartum (Manuaba, 2010). Kebutuhan segera adalah penanganan anemia sesuai standar, konseling gizi, diet makanan kaya zat besi, dan protein serta perencanaan persalinan di tempat yang aman. Ibu bersalin secara spontan di Puskesmas Jetis tanpa komplikasi, menggunakan IUD Post Plasenta, rupture perineum grade II. Bayi yang dilahirkan aterm, berat badan lahir 3000 gram, APGAR score normal. Pada masa nifas tidak terjadi komplikasi, Hb ibu 12 gr% pada nifas hari ke 40. Sehingga potensial masalah yang mungkin terjadi pada kehamilan trimester III, persalinan, nifas, bayi baru lahir dapat dicegah. Asuhan berkesinambungan yang telah diberikan pada Ny Y dari kehamilan Trimester III hingga KB sebagian besar berhasil sehingga ibu tidak mengalami anemia di waktu nifas, meskipun terdapat beberapa asuhan yang belum dilakukan seperti evaluasi kembali kadar Hb sebelum persalinan. Harapan setelah dilakukan asuhan berkesinambungan ini adalah adanya asuhan berkesinambungan dengan melibatkan keluarga sehingga ibu dan bayi sejahtera

    Analisis pengaruh gaya kepemimpinan dan kepuasan kerja terhadap kinerja pegawai pada kantor imigrasi kelas II TPI Batulicin

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    Over the past three years there has been a decrease in employee performance targets (SKP) and also a decrease in the value of behavior of employees in 2018. This employee performance goal is measured based on his work assessment and also the behavior of his workers for one year. The decrease in the value of SKP and the value of employee behavior can be due to the still number of employees who are less responsible for their work and still lack passion in work. This condition if it occurs continuously can affect the performance of employees of this office. In order to improve the image, work and performance of a government agency towards professional, actual, synergic, transparent and innovative for the sake of good governance, it is necessary to have a change in government agencies. This of course must be supported by good Human Resources so that this can be achieved. Therefore, the Class II TPI Batulicin Immigration Office certainly wants superior Human Resources in order to achieve organizational goals. Based on this, this study wanted to see how the influence of leadership style and job satisfaction on employee performance at the Class II TPI Batulicin Immigration Office. This study aims to analyze the effect of leadership style and job satisfaction on employee performance at the the Class II TPI Batulicin Immigration Office. The questionnaire was distributed to 32 respondents, namely the data collection method used was the census, which took all individuals in the population as respondents. The method used in this research is the Structural Equation Model (SEM) method with the Partial Least Squares (PLS) approach with Smart PLS software. The results showed that the leadership style had a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees at the Immigration Office Class II TPI Batulicin. The indicator that best describes the leadership style is the function of participation. Job satisfaction has a positive and significant effect on the performance of employees at the Immigration Office Class II TPI Batulicin. The indicator that best describes job satisfaction is the salary. While the indicator that best describes the performance of employees is a matter of discipline

    Strategi pengembangan sumber daya manusia untuk meningkatkan kinerja karyawan

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    Quality Human Resources (HR) is a determinant of company success. Through HR performance analysis, HR development strategies can be formulated that are relevant to HR needs and needs. HR development has a broad dimension, in order to increase the potential of human resources, so that professionalism in the organization increases. Achieving this goal must be completed through a process that starts from planning to managing and maintaining potential human resources. In this case, the development of human resources is the development of a process to improve the quality or ability of humans, namely the development of planning, development and management of human resources. The study was conducted in PT. PERSADA, a company that provides outsourcing services. All permanent employees of the company as research respondents (60 people). Data was collected by interviewing respondents using a questionnaire that prepared based on the concepts of HR competence consists of knowledge, skill, motive, trait, attitude, and HR employee performance. There are nine research informants who are HR experts for the analysis of Strategic Assumption Surfacing and Testing (SAST) and Analitical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Data were analyzed descriptively according to "mode" to assess the competency of HR department employees who then used as a basis for the formation of strategic assumptions using SAST, from the assumptons of selected strategies then prioritizing using AHP. The results showed that the decline of employee performance in the HR Division was due to gaps in the competencies of HR department employees. Performance Assessment and Compensation Benefit Division has a very poor performance while the Industrial Relations Division is considered quite good. The result of a strategic assumption using the SAST gained seven strategic assumptions in the most important and most certain quadrants, consists of assessment, education and training, compensation and incentives, job rotation, audits, mapping, and directories Competence. The AHP analysis shows that the strategy priorities for improving performance are based on assessment, employee rotation and directory competency

    The Relationship of Physhical Activity, Sleep Duration, Breakfast and Fast Food Consumption Habits with The Prevalence of Overweight Among Elementary School Children

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    This study aims to determine the relation between physical activity, sleep duration, breakfast habits and fast food consumption habits at school-age chidren. This is a quantitative study using cross sectional design. The study was conducted in SDS Kartika VIII-5 Jakarta, as many as 102 fourth and fifth grade students were involved. The sampling technique used for this study was stratified sampling technique. The data collection instrument used questionnaire and interview. The data obtained were then analyzed by Chi-Square statistical test. The results showed that 63,7% of children were overweight. Bivariate result using Chi-Square statistical test showed that a significant relationship between physical activity (p = 0,003), sleep duration (p = 0,046), fast food habits (p = 0,035). There was a significant relation between physical activity, sleep duration, and fast food consumption habits with the prevalence of overweight


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    Latar Belakang : Berat badan lahir rendah terus menjadi masalah kesehatan masyarakat global dan berhubungan dengan konsekuensi baik jangka pendek maupun jangka panjang. Diperkirakan 15%-20% bayi dari semua kelahiran di dunia lahir dengan BBLR. Di Indonesia masih terdapat 10,2% bayi lahir dengan BBLR. Prevalensi BBLR di DIY tahun 2015 adalah 5,32% dan prevalensi tertinggi terjadi di Kabupaten Gunung Kidul sebanyak 7,33%. BBLR disebabkan oleh multifaktor, faktor ibu yang mempengaruhi kejadian BBLR antara lain usia ibu dan hipertensi dalam kehamilan (HDK). Tujuan Penelitian : Mengetahui hubungan antara usia ibu dan HDK dengan kejadian BBLR di RSUD Wonosari tahun 2015-2016. Metode Penelitian : Penelitian ini adalah observational analytic dengan desain case control. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah ibu yang melahirkan bayi di RSUD Wonosari tahun 2015-2016. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah 152 pada kelompok kasus dan 152 pada kelompok kontrol. Teknik pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode purposive sampling, serta simple random sampling. Penelitian ini menggunakan data sekunder rekam medik. Hasil penelitian : Ada hubungan antara usia ibu dengan kejadian BBLR (p=0,018, OR=1,880 95% CI=1,142-3,094) , serta ada hubungan antara hipertensi dalam kehamilan dengan kejadian BBLR (p=0,000, OR=4,027, 95% CI=2,014-8.051). Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa HDK merupakan faktor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap kejadian BBLR (p=0,000, OR=3,675, 95% CI=1,823-7,409). Kesimpulan : Ada hubungan antara usia ibu dan HDK dengan kejadian BBLR. Kata kunci: BBLR, Usia Ibu, HD

    Contextual Effect of the Integrated Health Post and Social Capital on Completeness of Child Immunization in Pacitan, East Java

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    Background: Around 2-3 million deaths each yearwere caused by diseases that could be pre­vented by immunization. Immunization is an effort to actively increase a person's immunity against a disease. Basic immuniza­tion can pro­tect infants from diseases that can be prevented by immunization. This study aimed to analyze the factors at the individual level and the inte­grated health post level that affected the complete basic immunization status of infants.Subjects and Method: This was an observa­tional analytic study with a cross-sectional design. The study was conducted at 25 Inte­grated Health Posts (posyandu) in Pacitan, East Java. A sample of 200 infants aged 12-23 months was selected randomly. The dependent variable was complete basic immunization. The independent variables were knowledge, self-efficacy, outcome expectations, vicarious learn­ing, health workers support, social capital, and posyandu strata. The data were analyzed using a multiple multilevel logistic regression.Results: Complete basic immunization status increased with good knowledge (OR= 10.16; 95% CI= 1.48 to 69.98; p= 0.019), high self-efficacy (OR= 10.32; 95% CI= 2.01 to 53.13; p= 0.005), positive outcome expectations (OR= 20.40; 95% CI= 3.39 to 123; p= 0.001), vica­rious learning (OR= 4.35; 95% CI= 0.90 to 21.10; p= 0.068), strong health workers sup­port  (OR= 14.54; 95% CI=2.63 to 80.65; p= 0.002), and strong social capital (OR= 6.54; 95% CI= 1.41 to 30.40; p= 0.017).  Integrated Health Post strata had a contextual effect on the complete basic immunization status with Intra-Class Correlation (ICC)=34.15%.Conclusion: Complete basic immunization status increases with good knowledge, high self-efficacy, positive outcome expectations, had done vicarious learning, and strong social capital.  Integrated Health Post strata have a contextual effect on the complete basic immunization status.Keywords: basic immunization, contextual effect, social cognitive theory, social capitalCorrespondence: Puspita Mayangsari Prabowo. Masters Program in Public Health, Universitas Sebelas Maret. Jl. Ir. Sutami 36A, Surakarta 57126, Central Java. Email: [email protected]. Mobile: +6287859294881.Journal of Maternal and Child Health (2020), 05(05): 525-536https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2020.05.05.07